TRCK REVIEW: Zild – Sinungaling

Let me start off with this: “Sinungaling” is wonderful. The track has completely stripped away IV of Spades’ basic pop formula, which says something about their artistic growth at the very least. It is then replaced with heavy loads of tasty synths and, well, more varied tones the casual synthpop stan wouldn’t expect. The drums are programmed like punching bags, synths are oscillated in various shapes and sizes. Gone are the backing instruments of electric guitar and live drums. The solo musician has definitely headed right in uncharted territory for him and his songwriting. It’s barely even a daring move, but more likely it was an opportunity to branch out creatively. 

“Sinungaling” was full-on maximal in all fronts. Remove all Guitar Hero 8x guitar power from the bands’ past material; those blue notes are hitting themselves harder once Zild is in command. The subject matter, however, is open for interpretation. But given that liars and sociopaths are running rampant in mass media, there should be no room for lies in our search for truth.

“Sinungaling” shows that Zild’s solo project can make his future projects shine bright.  It might be his stepping stone to creating more enjoyable material time and time again.

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